Guest Event: The Last March
26.06.2016 - 30.06.2016
Guest Event: The Last March
Alim Rijinachvili was born in Tbilisi (Georgia) and one day he did what no one expected: he decided to become an artist and enrolled himself in the Art Academy. For a creative exchange his drawings were sent to Italy and from this arose an exhibition with the famous Italian artist Renato Guttuso. In the nineties he came to Berlin, his artwork in his luggage, which immediately attracted great interest and from Berlin he conquered over Tokyo, Moscow, Rome, Tel Aviv, Bern, Madrid .... the art world.
Alim plays with art cat and mouse, whereat he is the cat. It seems that he in this game uses all his skills, his entire artistic spectrum: Design, Collage, calligraphic drawing to pure abstraction, where he uses almost the entire range of technical means. He experiments with different textures and the materials, colours and shapes reveal a particular interaction.
His paintings are definitely not clearly, rather associative and encrypted. His style is the clash of meanings in combination with the secrecy. In his artworks there are almost no people, only their constituents.

Alim Rijinachvili left us unfortunately on 16/06/2016!
Galerie Berlin-Baku GmbH
Großgörschenstrasse 7, 10827 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 - 23 63 55 56
gallery closed from 28.7.2018 (summerbreak)

Public Transport:
Underground: U7 Kleistpark
S-Bahn: Yorckstraße
Bus: M48, M85, 106, 187, 204
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