Gerhard Gabel

Gerhard Gabel
Born in Torgelow, Mecklenburg/Vorpommern, Germany
Lives & works in Berlin, Germany
since 1991 member of the Union of Berlin Artists (VBK)
1964 - 1990 member of Union of Fine Artists of GDR
since 1982 turns to Painting & Graphic
until 1981 applied art, poster design, book design, illustration, commercial art, exhibition design
since 1956 freelancer in Berlin
since 1950 active in art
1949 certified painter
Award & Events
2004 Benninghaus-Art Award of VBK
2002 Hanging of Triptychs “Über der Traufe“ at the Dom zu Berlin by Sponsoring
- Mercedes Benz Germany
- Official Employment Bureau Berlin, Germany
- Banks such as Köpenicker Bank, Deutsche Bank, Französische Bank, Leonberger
- Bausparkasse, Weberbank, Hypo-Bank Vienna
- State Cultural Office Köpenick, Germany
- State Art Office Wilmersdorf, Germany
- Many private collectors mainly in German speaking countries
- "Visuell", Participation, Catalogue 1986
- "Kunsthaltung", Köpenicker Artists, Catalogue 1991
- Special Edition of Union of Berlin Artists, Participation, Book 1991
- Gerhard Gabel, "Auf den Fährten des Zeus", Folding catalogue 1992
- "Künstler dieser Stadt", Participation, Catalogue of VBK 1992
- Gerhard Gabel, Catalogue 1992
- "Berliner Künstler sehen Potsdam", Catalogue with Karla Fioravanti 1993
- "Hölderlin", with Egon Bresien and Gerald Narr, Folder 1993
- "Vorort-Malerei in Essen", Graphic folder with 4 artists 1994
- "Cöp", Graphic Cassette of Artist group Cöp 1994
- "Bilder zu Köpenick", Folding catalogue of Artist group Cöp 1995
- "Bildbriefe", Folding catalogue with Reinhard Kunkel 1995
- "Potsdamer Platz", Participation, Catalogue of VBK 1995
- "Berlin-Baku", Participation, Artist Exchange, Catalogue 1995
- "JANUS", Folding catalogue of Artist group Janus 1996
- "500 Jahre Melanchthon", Participation, Folding catalogue, Calendar 1996/97
Realism and Abstraction - these two terms form short-term, even though recurring marginal phenomena within their absolution in the artwork of Gabel.
His magnum opus is located between two poles. In Intervals traces the change from "resting realism" to highly charged creative abstraction.
Gabel sees himself with these oppositional method of working in a natural causality, which bases its art historical roots not only in the past century.
Der Singvogel - 2011 - Acryl on canvas - 100x80
Da Steh Ich Nun - 2009 - Acryl on canvas - 90x75
Der Derwisch - 2010 - Water colour & Gouache - 50x71
Der Zuschauer - 2011 - Acryl on canvas - 120x150
Gleiche Hüte - 2010 - Water colour & Gouache - 45x65
Verträglich - 2011 - Acryl on canvas - 100x120
Vogelgruß - 2010 - Water Colour & Gouache - 45x65
Vom Eise Befreit - 2010 - Acryl on canvas - 100x120
Gerhard Gabel
Solo Exhibition (Selection)

2015 Kiezclub Haus der Begegnung Berlin Wendenschloß, Berlin, Germany
2014 Kiezclub Rahnsdorf, Berlin, Germany
2013 Galerie Berlin-Baku, Berlin Germany
2013 Galerie Petra Lange, Berlin, Germany
2011 Galerie am Neuen Palais, Potsdam, Germany
2002 Galerie Zone F, Berlin, Germany
2009 Dentists‘ surgery Kersten und Schlote, Berlin, Germany
2008 Galerie Berlin-Baku, Berlin, Germany
2007 Galerie Petra Lange, Berlin, Germany
2006 Galerie am Neuen Palais, Potsdam, Germany
2005 Banzendorfer Kulturscheune, Lindow, Germany
2004 Galerie M, Berlin, Germany
2003 DIBT Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2001 Town Hall Torgelow, Kreis Ückermünde, Germany
2000 Dom zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
1999 Galerie „Kunststücke“, Schöneiche bei Berlin, Germany
1998 Economic Academy Petex, Berlin, Germany
1997 Relax Wendenschloss, Berlin, Germany
1996 art consulting Euchen-Benzler, Ljubljana, Slowenia
1995 Oskar Ziethen Hospital, Berlin, Germany
1994 Tritonius Galerie-Greetsiel, Ostfriesland, Germany
1993 Köpenicker Bank, Berlin, Germany
1992 Mercedes Benz, Ludwigsfelde, Germany
1990 Galerie Grünstraße, Berlin, Germany
1988 Kulturbundgalerie „7 Raben“, Berlin, Germany
1987 Kleine Galerie „Franz Nolde“, Wriezen, Germany
1986 Kleine Galerie Eberswalde, Eberswalde, Germany
Group Exhibition (Selection)
2014 Galerie Petra Lange, Berlin, Germany
2013 Galerie Kunstflügel, Berlin, Germany
2012 Galerie am Neuen Palais, Potsdam, Germany
2011 Galerie Petra Lange, Berlin, Germany
2009 - 2010 Union of Berlin Artists (VBK), Berlin, Germany
2008 Galerie am Neuen Palais, Potsdam, Germany
2007 Forum for Art & Architecture, Essen, Germany
2006 Kommunale Galerie Wilmersdorf, Berlin, Germany
2004 Galerie am Neuen Palais, Potsdam, Germany
2003 Contemporary Art at KPM, Berlin, Germany
2002 Palais am Festungsgraben Berlin – Annual Exhibition of VBK, Berlin, Germany
2001 Galerie Kloster Malgarten, Osnabrück, Germany
2000 Galerie am Neuen Palais, Potsdam, Germany
1998 Town Hall and Municipal utilities Bretten GmbH, Bretten, Germany
1999 Galerie Zone F, Touring Exhibition „100 Suggestions regarding Bertolt Brecht“, Germany & Austria
1997 Touring Exhibition for the 500. Anniversay Melanchthon, Germany
1995 Galerie Alter Markt, Berlin, Germany
1993 Art Gallery Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Schottland
1992 Berliner Dom – Auction for kids suffering cancer, Berlin, Germany
1991 Haus am Lützowplatz – Jubilee Exhibition of VBK, Berlin, Germany
1990 Galerie im Turm, Berlin, Germany
Galerie Berlin-Baku GmbH
Großgörschenstrasse 7, 10827 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 - 23 63 55 56
gallery closed from 28.7.2018 (summerbreak)

Public Transport:
Underground: U7 Kleistpark
S-Bahn: Yorckstraße
Bus: M48, M85, 106, 187, 204
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