Sayyora Muin

Sayyora Muin
Born 1977 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Lives & works in Berlin, Germany

2011 nomination as master student
2010 - 2011 master student of Prof. Florence von Gerkan at UdK Berlin, Germany
2003 - 2010 studies at the University of Art (UdK) – field: stage costume design
1998 - 2003 studies of book illustration at the National Academy for Painting & Design in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1991 - 1995 artistic education as costume designer at the Art School in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Participation as costume designer in several film & theater productions in Uzbekistan and Germany. Sayyora Muin works as costume designer, in Fine Arts, graphic artist & book illustrator.
2002 Grand Prix of the competition of Uzbek fashion designers within the scope of the festival „Boysun bahori“, UNESCO, Ministry of Culture Uzbekistan
2001 3. Place of the competition of young female artists of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Culture, Academy of Art
2001 winner of the competition of Uzbek fashion designer „The Orient goes West“,
GTZ Germany, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Uzbekistan

- National University of Painting & Design
- Private Collections in Uzbekistan, Russia, Italy, Germany and Poland
The passion for costume is reflected over and over again in her artwork, drawings, and photographs as well as in her work on objects/ installations.
Women's fate: their dreams, hopes, fears are the main theme of Sayyora’s artistic work. She is always looking for different ways to tell her stories: sometimes in lighter, seemingly casual graphic, sometimes as objects of an installation or in photographs. Also her homeland Uzbekistan often plays a role in her paintings. The work "Listen to the silence of the lost sea" is dedicated to the women of the desiccated Aral Sea.
Frau am See - 2011 - Mixed media on paper - 60x33
Listen to the Silence of the Lost Sea - 2011 - Photo - 40x60
Listen to the Silence of the Lost Sea - 2011 - Photo - 40x60
Singender Derwisch - 2013 - Indian ink on paper - 25,5x17
Ferner Planet - 2014 - Indian ink on paper - 20x29
Serie: Spiegelbilder_auf der anderen Seite des Ufers - 2016 - Indian ink & watercolours on watercolour paper - 40x80
Serie: Spiegelbilder_Traum - 2016 - Indian ink & watercolours on watercolour paper - 70x40
Schattenspiel_Variante - 2018 - Indian ink on paper - 42x75
Listen to the silence of the lost sea – The Farewell
Mixed Media
Sayyora’s Statement
This work is my way of farewell, a soul and memory journey that deals with my home.
How one says "goodbye"?  How one deals with a farewell?
How much time does it take to perceive loss? How much time does it take to accept loss? How much time does it take to walk through all these circles, to finally let things go?
In different cultures there are different rituals. But in the end everybody is looking for his/ her very own way to say goodbye.
This work became such a quest for me.
The questions regarding the "farewell" issue have inspired me to make a research on the death of the Aral Sea.
The lake, which has left its place to the salt desert. The towns around it, once filled with life, now swallowed by dust, are empty and silent. For the few people, who still remained there, to say goodbye has become their everyday lives.
Their way of life and their costumes served me as a metaphor to find the right vehicle for shape, surface and structure of the figures. It was important to me that the materials "get one" with the desiccated salty sea bed.
Basically it does not take much to say goodbye: it takes time, which stands still for a few moments. It needs silence. And you need someone who is there and shares the silence and stillness; somebody who is just there for you and listens silently within the silence his/ her everybody’s own silence.
My circle of figures is going into this relationship of people, how they are to each other and how they are for each other, feels into this silence.
Sayyora Muin
Group Exhibitions
2015 56th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia l Azerbaijan Pavilion l Vita Vitale, Venice, Italy
2014 "here today", London, UK
''KunstVisite'', Charité Berlin, Germany
Central Park Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
“Neighbourhood“, Galerie Berlin-Baku, Berlin, Germany
“Bilder Denken- Das FILM KOSTÜM BILD“ at Zoofenster Berlin, Germany
2012 “Vested Memories“ at UdK Berlin, Germany
2011 Mater student exhibition „Zurückbleiben…“ at Udk Berlin, Germany
2009 Diploma Exhibition „Kaips zweite Reise“ at UdK Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2003 Group exhibition of book illustrators of Uzbekistan at the Centre for Modern Art in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2002 “National Art Exhibition“ of the Academy of Art in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2002 Group exhibition of book illustrators of Uzbekistan at the Centre for Modern Art in Tashkent, Uzbekistan      
1997 “National Art Exhibition“ of the Academy of Art in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1995 “Exhibition of Young Artists of Uzbekistan“ at the Academy of Art in Tashkent,

Galerie Berlin-Baku GmbH
Großgörschenstrasse 7, 10827 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 - 23 63 55 56
gallery closed from 28.7.2018 (summerbreak)

Public Transport:
Underground: U7 Kleistpark
S-Bahn: Yorckstraße
Bus: M48, M85, 106, 187, 204
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